TDUG meeting Tuesday, Sept 25th

Speaker: Bruce McGee

We’re back from our break. I hope everyone had a great summer.

The September meeting will be another “Back to Basics 101” with as many commonly asked Delphi questions as we can squeeze in. Everything from free vs FreeAndNil to try/finally and try/except and many more. And, of course, why WITH is evil. I’m hoping it will be an interactive session with lots of feedback from you. If you have suggestions, bring them with you or leave a comment here.

Along the same lines, we will also be looking at a collection of Delphi code samples for common (and some not so common) Delphi tasks. Report previews, Drawing with FireMonkey/OpenGL/DirectX, creating a PDF in code, more dialog types than you knew existed, creating a DLL, Indy examples and more. All with source code.

Anyone who is interested will receive a copy. You can bring a USB key and we’ll set up a download location.

I hope to see you there.


Tuesday, September 25th, 2018
Fairview Library – 35 Fairview Mall Dr, North York – Room 4
6:00PM to 8:00PM

About the location: The Fairview Library is on the north side of the Fairview Mall. Subway service is available and parking at the mall is free.

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